Learn Drums
Drum Kit is a popular percussion instrument. The drum kit is a part of the standard rhythm section. Drummers play different genres of popular and traditional music styles, ranging from rock and pop to blues and jazz. In India, Bollywood music uses Drums too. There are different variations of Drum kits. From the most simplistic two-piece ‘kick and snare’ setup (cymbals and hi-hats not traditionally counted as ‘pieces’) to the most expansive eight- or nine-piece setups. The extra pieces are tom-toms (also known as ‘toms’), as the kick and snare drum are a staple of every drum kit. Most drummers, however, will start with a five-piece drum kit. Though there are many self-trained drummers, we advise you to learn drums from a well-trained teacher. International music schools like the Academy for Musical Excellence offer Drum classes in Kolkata. Similar to the piano, keyboard, guitar and violin, Drum Kit learners must begin their class with authentic drum notation. Drummers follow the staff notation, the international musical language for music. Thus, we advise you to check on the music school or the drum teacher before joining the drum lessons. Always learn drums the international way that is sequential and appropriate for 21st-century learners. Though mostly the drummers accompany music, they can play drum solos too. A drum solo is an instrumental section that highlights the drums. While other instrument solos accompany other rhythm section instruments (e.g., bass guitar and electric guitar), the band members stop playing so that all focus will be on the drummer. In live concerts, drummers may be given extended drum solos, even in genres where drum solos are rare on recordings.

Drummers play different genres and styles. Some popular ones are Rock, Metal, Punk, Jazz and Pop. Rock is characterised as straightforward and no-frills attached music. Rock drumming uses loud and intense drum grooves partnered with big fills. Together, they make an even more significant impact. Metal drummers have larger drum kits to achieve metal music’s aggressive, loud, precise, and powerful sounds. Playing the drums in this genre and style requires endurance, speed, coordination, and precision. Punk drumming bears a striking similarity to intricate rock drumming. The only difference is that it is played faster and thus requires more precision. The genre itself characterises loud and fast music. The jazz style of drumming has continued to evolve. Many sub-genres stem from jazz. It uses a broad range of notes, making it more complex to learn and master than the other genres in this list. Pop music is elementary and structured, so it follows that pop drumming is the same way. It is easy to learn, but there are some subtleties to note. For example, pop drummers need precision and coordination to stick to the structure.